Vendor Engagement Form

The information provided in the form below is everything we need to know to complete your Section 32 and Contract so that your agent can sell your property.

So please complete the form fully and then when completed hit the submit button at the bottom.

Please note that our Fees are

$1,188.00  for the Standard Conveyancing Matter with an Upfront fee of $308.00.

Or $1,500 for an Auction Contract with an Upfront  Fees of $500.00.

Also note that if the property has an Active Owners Corporation / Body Corporate, we require an extra $225.26 upfront for the required Owners Corporation Certificate

    Client No: 1

    Your date of Birth

    Your Residency Status

    Questions About the Property

    Is the Property to be Sold at Auction - If Yes See Our Fees TAB YesNo

    Type of Property being sold

    Number of Bedrooms in Property

    Tenancy / Who Lives in the property

    Have you received any notices from any Government Departments regarding the Property YesNo

    Is the Building on the Property under 7 Years Old YesNo

    Has there Been any Renovations to the Building/s over the past 7 Years YesNo

    Any Building or Renovations in the last 7 years done as an Owner Builder YesNo

    Is there a Pool or Spa on the Property YesNo

    Connections to the Property - Tick all that are applicable ElectricityGasWaterSeweragePhoneNBN

    Are you aware of any Unregistered Easements or Covenants on the Property YesNo - Unsure

    Is there an Owners Corporation Involved If answer is YES, Please complete the next 3 Questions YesNo

    Real Estate Agent Details

    Any Other Information about your property you feel that we should know or advise

    How Did you Find us (Required)

    Account number for funds to go to After settlement