Property Sub-Divisions and Consolidations are now becoming increasingly common as the demand for property grows as people are less inclined to want large blocks of land
Whether you be a large scale developer or simply dividing your land into smaller lots to allow for another house/unit to be built on your block, we have the experience and expertise required to ensure your job gets completed efficiently, speedily, and correctly.
Due to previous experiences with Sub-Dividing/Consolidations, we are fully aware of Regulations & Requirements regulations in regards to Sub-Divisional matters.
We will deal with the following entities as required to ensure your news plans are lodged quickly and more importantly “CORRECTLY”
- Your Surveyor
- Your Bank
- Local Council
- Land Titles Office
The Process
The process for attending your Plan of Sub-Division / Consolidation is simple process:
Firstly, complete our Engagement Form – This form provides us with the required information to commence your file.
Once we have your instructions, we will commence the required Paperwork and provide to you for signing,
Then we will contact your Surveyor and Bank to arrange required Documents & Necessary Consents
Once we have arranged the above, we will lodge the Plan to the Land Titles Office for registration
Once plans are lodged, the new Titles are usually issued with 2 weeks.